SAVE THE DATE!!! The RIHA year-end banquet will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2025, 6pm-9pm, at Chelos on Post Road, Warwick, RI.
RIHA NEWSLETTER AND BANQUET RSVP! The RIHA Newsletter, which also has the RSVP form for the banquet can be found: 2024 RIHA Newsletter and Banquet RSVP!
Multiple options to help support all the year-end winners! A great way to help support all of our exhibitors!• For the Year-End program (Deadline is January 31st, 2025!):
* "Shout out" (name and one line) $10
* Full page ad $75
* Half page ad $50
* Quarter page ad $25
Anyone who is interested can contact Jess Roberts (JLRHFS228@yahoo.com) with ads. Payment can be sent to Katherine (address below).
Also if anyone wants to donate ribbons ($75) and/or prizes ($75), please contact Wendy Brayman (401-499- 3718 or hunterridge@live.com). Again payment can be sent to Katherine (address below).
Please mail checks payable to “RIHA” (with reason in memo) to
Katherine Scheuerman
6 Juniper Hill Drive
Coventry, RI 02816
2025 Memberships
Please check the Membership List page for the latest list of RIHA members!
Please check the Equine List page for the latest list of registered horses!
Make sure you renew your RIHA memberships 2025. Please bring your PayPal receipt to horse shows as proof or renewal, or e-mail a copy to: rihapoints@rihorseman.com.
2024/2025 Show Calendar
The Calendar page has been updated for the 2024/2025 show season.
The RIHA board has voted to allow any out-of-state horse show within 15 miles of the Rhode Island Board to run RI Medal Classes at their horse show!
Guidelines for running RI Medals Out of State
2024 Points can be found: RI Points. A star (*) next to a name indicates that the exhibitor has not competed in two shows in that division for final 2024 points, as required to receive a year end award.
If any of the information listed is incorrect or missing, or if you have any questions about the final point standings, please send an email to the Points Secretary.Medal points can be found: RI Finals 2025 Qualifiers page to view the Qualifier list.
2024/2025 Rule Book
Click HERE to download and print the Rulebook that has been approved and will be in affect for the 2024/2025 show season.
Please see the Rules page for additional updates and/or changes to the rule book.