Our Rules
The following Rule Book is in effect until a new Rule Book is published:
The RIHA board has voted to allow any out-of-state horse show within 15 miles of the Rhode Island Board to run RI Medal Classes at their horse show!
Guidelines for running RI Medals Out of State
The following are updated 2025 rules from NEHC that pertain to RIHA:
Short Stirrup Hunter and Short Stirrup Equitation Over Fences: The second sentence will be replaced with “The course may be taken at a trot or canter at the option of the rider and simple changes will not be penalized.
Show Requirements: Pg. 17 letter “O” will read: “No show official or show employee may exhibit or change their originally advertised function during any show. Show officials and employees consist of Judge, Steward, Secretary, Farrier (cannot officiate in any class of a competition in which he/she is an exhibitor) and Ringmaster (cannot officiate in any class of a competition in which he/she or a member of family or any other clients is an exhibitor.
Hunter Derby - A new format has been added to the Hunter Derby which will be Option B. Original descriptions will be Option A. Fence heights stay the same.
Option B Hunt and Go Format The Hunt and Go format will consist of two (2) phases, one (1) Classic Hunter and one (1) Handy Hunter. The phases will be jumped consecutively. Riders are not permitted to walk or pause between rounds.
All participants will complete both the Classic and Handy portions even if penalties (rails, refusals, etc.) are incurred. Major penalties (falls, three refusals, off course, etc.) will result in elimination.
a. The Classic Hunter round, consisting of four to seven (4-7) fences shall be judged on quality, movement, jumping style, manners and way of going.
b. Immediately after the completion of the Classic Round, horses will continue on to the Handy round portion of the class which is to be four to six (4-6) fences and which must include at least two of the following: trot jump, light turn option, clever options for jump approach, halt and/or back and walk jump.
Both rounds are to be scored separately and announced with a total score.
Motorized Vehicles (new rule):
Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to golf carts, motorcycles, scooters or farm utility vehicles on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above-described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or action resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for penalties against those responsible for the child committing the offense. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.
Reminder for Medal entries: You must bring your membership card or a copy to enter a medal class. If you do not have it with you, you will have to fill out the new Affidavit for a fee of $35. When received in the office if you are a current member, the money will be returned to you. If you are not a current member, the money will be put towards a new membership.
With the newly created "Low Adult Amateur Hunter" division by the USHJA, there has been some confusion around the difference between that and the "Modified Adult Hunter" division, as the specifications are different for each. For 2023, RIHA will point BOTH as separate divisions for year-end awards. The specs for each are as follows:
Open to Amateur riders 18 years of age or older who, as of December 1st of the current show year, have not won six blue ribbons at any Recognized Show in Adult or Junior Equitation classes, including Adult or Junior Medal classes, but excluding Modified Adult classes. Amateurs who have won six blue ribbons are eligible for Modified Adult if, as of December 1st of the current show year, they have not shown in classes with fences 3’0” or higher within the past five show years. Fences not to exceed 2’6”. Riders in this division cannot show in any other recognized classes at the same show where fences exceed 2’6”.
Open to exhibitors who have reached their 18th birthday as of December 1st of the current competition year. Riders may not cross enter into any class or section where fences exceed 2’9” at the same competition (Exception 3’0” Equitation). Fence height is 2'6". Not required to jog for soundness. The Low Adult Amateur Hunter section may be combined with the Low Children's Hunter section when there are fewer than four (4) entries in either section.

RIHA has gone green! In an effort to be "green", RIHA does not mail rulebooks unless requested. Please download the rulebook from this page, check this website frequently, and join the RIHA Facebook group for rule changes, information on the annual banquet, point standings, calendar changes, the annual meeting, RI Finals information, etc.
If you really need a printed copy of the rulebook, please print the following form, fill it out and mail it to the RIHA Secretary:
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